
Hi, I’m Kelly.

Join me for 2,650+ miles of dirt, snow, and unwashed hair as I attempt to complete the PCT in 2019.

Day 30 - casa de luna to the 500 mile marker

Day 30 - casa de luna to the 500 mile marker

April 27 | Miles 478.2 - 502.6

This morning we gobbled down pancakes and coffee courtesy of Terrie’s husband Joe Anderson, whose secret ingredients are cinnamon and love.

We hit the road around 8, with a bit of a hot climb awaiting us.


After an extended lunch break to wait out the heat of the day, I set off to complete the afternoon miles, which were luckily shaded by tree cover.


The guys and I met up for a lil dinner in a shady spot before setting out to night hike.

The sunrise was unreal.


We passed Mile 500 in the dark by the light of our headlamps, exhausted. We crashed shortly thereafter feeling numb and accomplished. About 20% of the way to Canada…

Day 31 - past the 500 mile marker to the la aqueduct

Day 31 - past the 500 mile marker to the la aqueduct

Day 29 - martindale Ridge Rd. To casa de lUna

Day 29 - martindale Ridge Rd. To casa de lUna